See how cedoon works
- meet all legal requirements
- digital data transport
- automatic translation
..to fullfill legal regulations the product is tested and documented in a Test Report . This Reports have to be done by legal regulations for tradeing in The EU.

..without cedoon the quality data is recorded and stored in an homegrown system not networking with your partners system.

...storing and processing these test reports takes a lot of space and time. All Data is stored in the local language.

...Cedoon stores all test data digitally. This saves a lot of time and space.

...All participants in a value chain must document quality according to CE standard

...without cedoon all participans wasted time copying the same Data and translate data in their language .

With Cedoon, sharing data in the value chain becomes easy and all data is automatically translated. This is secure and saves a lot of time.

With cedoon software you will meet all legal requirements of C€ documentation and boost your business to lightspeed,
